Fire is a natural and essential process in California’s Sierra-Cascade region. Wildfires of the past burned mostly low to the ground and fairly slowly. They thinned out brush and smaller trees, leaving the larger trees to thrive with less competition for water and sunlight. The resulting forest structure of individual trees, clumps, and openings made it difficult for fires to burn intensely enough to kill the large healthy trees that dominated the landscape.
Today, many wildfires are burning larger and more severely. Decades of fire suppression and historic timber harvests have created overcrowded and unhealthy forests that fuel more destructive behavior. Fires like the Dixie, Caldor, Creek, and North Complex have devastated communities and caused significant damage to the resources the region provides, including water, wildlife habitat, recreational access, and carbon storage. Impacts from large, damaging wildfires in the region are felt across the state as they degrade air quality, jeopardize the state water system, and offset progress towards California’s air quality and climate goals.
Highlights From Our Newsroom
View our most recent articles related to wildfire risk.
SNC awards cultural-burning-capacity grant to Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan non-profit
Proposition 68 delivers a nature-based solution to Amador County wildfire risk
SNC to consider $27.5 million in wildfire recovery and forest resilience grants
Early support from SNC leads to critical federal funding for North Yuba
SNC approves $22.5 million to build resilience, boost recreation, and conserve land
SNC to consider $22.5 million in forest resilience, land conservation, and recreation grants
SNC launches new grant round to support wildfire-recovery and forest-resilience priorities
Critical forest-restoration efforts help protect Little Truckee River headwaters
Paths to environmental and economic resilience highlighted at 2023 WIP Summit
2022 fire season: a break from fire & smoke, but not from risk
Historic state budget investments protect communities, watersheds, and hospital
Bootsole project using Dixie Fire to build resilience in Plumas National Forest
Regional Challenges, State Priorities
Forests in California's Sierra-Cascade region are unhealthy, vulnerable to damaging wildfires and an accelerating climate crisis. Local communities and economies are at risk. And it’s not just the Sierra-Cascade, California’s water security, outdoor access, biodiversity, and climate leadership all depend upon healthy, resilient forests.
Learn more about these challenges and priorities: