About Us
We are a state agency that leads efforts to restore and enhance the extraordinary natural resources and communities of California’s Sierra-Cascade region, while protecting them from wildfire and a changing climate.
Service Area
We serve California’s 27-million-acre Sierra-Cascade region, which includes the mountains and foothills of the Sierra Nevada range, the Mono Basin, Owens Valley, the Modoc Plateau, and parts of the southern Cascade Range and Klamath Mountains.
The region is vital to California’s water supply, biodiversity, and climate resilience.
What Guides Us
Our Mission
We initiate, encourage, and support efforts that improve the environmental, economic, and social well-being of California’s Sierra-Cascade region, its communities, and the people of California.
Our Vision
California’s magnificent Sierra-Cascade region enjoys outstanding environmental, economic, and social health with vibrant communities and landscapes sustained for future generations.
Governing Statutes
The SNC was established by bi-partisan legislation (AB 2600) and signed into law in 2004: the Laird-Leslie Sierra Nevada Conservancy Act. Our governing statutes are in sections 33300-33356 of the Public Resources Code.
Our Board
As a public agency, the SNC Board provides strategic direction to the agency. Our Governing Board is made up of 16 members: 13 voting members and 3 non-voting members.
Annual Report to the Legislature
Public Resources Code section 33350 requires us to make an annual report to the Legislature and to the Secretary of the Resources Agency regarding expenditures, land management costs, and administrative costs. View our 2024 annual report to the Legislature.
State Leadership Accountability Act (SLAA)
Government Code sections 13400 through 13407 require each state agency to maintain effective systems of internal control, to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of these controls on an ongoing basis, and to biennially report. View our 2023 SLAA Report.