SNC Updates View all announcements from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC). This includes information about our events and activities. The SNC awards $2.3 million to 40 Acre Conservation League forest-health projectThe SNC turns 20–much to celebrate, even more to doThe SNC awards grant to Nevada County sawmillSNC awards cultural-burning-capacity grant to Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan non-profitSNC adopts new five-year Strategic Plan, supports four forest-resilience projectsSNC celebrates 20 years of impact at WIP SummitSNC awards $27.5 million to help with wildfire recovery and forest resilience throughout Sierra-CascadeSNC to host December Board Tour and Meeting in Yuba CountySNC to host September Board Tour and Meeting in Tulare CountySNC approves $22.5 million to build resilience, boost recreation, and conserve landSNC launches new grant round to support wildfire-recovery and forest-resilience prioritiesSNC approves $27 million in Watershed Improvement Program grants2022 Letter from the Executive OfficerHow SNC advances California’s 30x30 conservation goal in the Sierra-CascadeSNC awards $10 million in grants—projects include a return of tribal lands, a Sierra Valley trails planSNC to pilot wildfire resilience landscape investment strategySNC announces $23 million forest and fire restoration grant programSNC approves more than $21 million in wildfire recovery and forest resilience grantsSNC distributes historic wildfire and climate investments, dozens more projects await fundingSNC launches new grant programs, funds $2.1 million in projects2021: Hope, and clarity, in the eye of the (fire)stormBuilding capacity for a resilient Sierra NevadaSNC launches $25 million grant round, funds giant sequoia restoration projectThe Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s service area is growingSNC invests $19 million in early action wildfire resilience projectsPlans funded for forest restoration projects and new trails crossing Sierra CrestSNC to welcome Heather Bernikoff to Governing BoardSNC's 2020 Annual ReportSNC launches Biomass Utilization FundThe SNC welcomes new Area Representative for North Subregion Tuli PottsLynn Campbell's legacy, an SNC Area Representative retires
SNC awards $27.5 million to help with wildfire recovery and forest resilience throughout Sierra-Cascade
SNC awards $10 million in grants—projects include a return of tribal lands, a Sierra Valley trails plan