Funding Opportunities Newsletter
September & October 2024
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Upcoming Grants
- The CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR) Environmental Enhancement Fund (EEF) Program (due September 11) supports environmental enhancement projects located within or immediately adjacent to waters of the state that are designed to acquire, restore, or improve habitat and ecosystem function to benefit fish and wildlife.
- The Conservation Alliance Confluence Program (due September 13) seeks to connect to historically marginalized people for the protection of natural places.
- The US Forest Service (USFS) Forest Legacy Program (due September 23) protects environmentally important forest areas threatened by conversion to non-forest uses.
- The US Dept. of Transportation (DOT) National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program: Culvert Aquatic Organism Passage Program (due September 23) funds the replacement, removal, and repair of culverts or weirs that meaningfully improve or restore fish passage for anadromous fish.
- The USFS Inflation Reduction Act Landowner Cost Share Payment Programs for Climate Mitigation and/or Forest Resilience Practices (due September 30) fund state or state-sponsored programs issuing cost-share payments to landowners for climate mitigation and/or forest-resilience practices.
- The National Association of Conservation Districts and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): Outreach and Technical Assistance Grants (due September 30) provide funding to Resource Conservation Districts to advance Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs and activities.
- The Arbor Day Foundation Community Roots Program for Tribes (due September 30) funds urban-forestry projects by federally recognized tribes.
- The Fund for Wild Nature Foundation Grants (due October 1) supports campaigns by nonprofit organizations to save native species and wild ecosystems in North America, with particular emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity.
- The National Trust for Historic Preservation: National Trust Preservation Fund Grants (due October 1) support planning activities, education, and outreach efforts focused on preservation.
- The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tribal Wetland Program Grants (due October 1) assist tribal governments and intertribal consortia to develop or refine tribal programs that protect, manage, and restore wetlands.
- The CalRecycle Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Program (due October 8) funds the cleanup of illegally dumped material on farm and/or ranch property, including on public forestlands.
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Small Grants Program (due October 10) supports small-scale, long-term, on-the-ground projects that protect, restore, and enhance wetlands and associated upland habitats for the benefit of wetlands-associated migratory birds.
- The US EPA Recreation Economy for Rural Communities Program (due October 16) helps communities that are seeking to grow their outdoor recreation and tourism economy, invest in their main streets, and conserve forests and other natural lands by bringing together local residents and other stakeholders to decide on strategies and an action plan.
- CA Dept of Parks and Recreation (DPR) Motorized Recreational Trails Program (due October 18) supports motorized recreational trails and trail-related projects, including development, maintenance, educational programs, and assessment of trail conditions.
- The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Competitive Grants Program: Education and Workforce Development (due October 24) focuses on developing the next generation of professionals in the food and agricultural sciences, including supporting workforce training at community, junior, and technical colleges.
- The US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Tribal Tourism Grant Program (due October 25) supports tribal tourism implementation projects centered around an economically derived community need.
- The NDN Collective Community Action Fund (October 31) supports tribes, tribal nonprofit organizations, and other Indigenous communities and organizations most impacted by local challenges, ensuring that resources and decision-making ability lies with those who are best equipped to solve pressing issues and address imminent threats.
- The US Dept of Transportation Tribal Transit Program (due November 13) supports planning, capital, and operating assistance for tribal public transit services in rural areas.
- The Western Forestry Leadership Coalition: Landscape Scale Restoration Competitive Grant Program (due November 15) supports collaborative, science-based restoration projects that focus on priority landscapes on nonfederal rural forest land, which is also considered non-industrial private forest land or state forest land.
- The US EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program (CCGP) (Part A): Community-Driven Investments for Change (November 21) supports community-driven projects that enable disadvantaged communities and their partners to overcome longstanding environmental challenges and implement meaningful solutions to meet community needs.
- The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation (due November 25) provides general operating or specific project support to community-based nonprofit organizations in which a relatively small amount of funding might make a large difference. Focus areas include environmental and wildlife-protection activities and museums.
- The USFS Landscape Scale Restoration Grant Program for Federally Recognized Tribes (due December 16) supports collaborative, high-impact projects that leverage public and private resources and further priorities identified in a science-based restoration strategy, such as a tribal forest plan, state forest action plan, or other equivalent restoration strategy.
- The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous People: Land, Water, and Climate Grant Program (rolling) supports the traditional land and water stewardship and life-systems practices of federally recognized tribal nations and Indigenous-led nonprofit organizations.
- The Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples: Flicker Fund (rolling) supports crisis-impacted federally recognized tribal nations and Indigenous-led nonprofit organizations.
- The CA State Water Resources Control Board Office of Sustainable Water Solutions Technical Assistance Program (rolling) provides technical assistance to small, disadvantaged communities to help them develop, fund, and implement eligible drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, or groundwater projects.
- The Brothers Helping Brothers: Equipment Grant (rolling) provides funding, tools, or equipment to small and rural fire departments and emergency medical services (EMS) organizations.
- The CA DPR Division of Boating and Waterways Clean Vessel Act (CVA): Pumpout/Dump Station Installation Grant (rolling) funds the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of pumpout and dump stations to service pleasure craft.
- Indian Land Tenure Foundation Cultural Awareness Grants (rolling) fund projects that maintain strong cultural and spiritual ties to the land in order to preserve traditional practices and Native religious beliefs for future generations.
- Trek Bicycle Corporation: The Trek Foundation Public Trail Development and Land Protection Initiative (rolling) protects land, develops trail systems for public use, and provides more riders access to great places to ride.
- The Headwaters Economics Community Planning Assistance for Wildfire (CPAW) Program (rolling) is a technical-assistance program that provides support for communities to reduce wildfire risks through improved land-use planning, compelling communication, and applied research.
- The Hind Foundation Standard Grant Program (rolling) funds several categories of projects, including ecosystem conservation, plant and wildlife protection, and land conservation.
- The CDFW Restoration Grant Opportunities: Nature-Based Solutions (Part A): Wetlands and Mountain Meadows Restoration (rolling) provides funding for projects that restore or enhance wetlands and watershed ecosystems and provide co-benefits, consistent with the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy and Pathways to 30×30. The program will also support pilot projects for CDFW’s Beaver Program.
- The Rural Community Assistance Corporation Community Facilities Loan Program (rolling) offers short-term loans for community-facility development in rural communities, including early property acquisition and predevelopment, interim construction costs, and long-term permanent financing.
- US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program (rolling) provides free technical and financial assistance to plan, design, supervise, and monitor customized habitat-restoration projects.
Additional Resources
Community Facilities Grant Covers First Responder and Search & Rescue Equipment
The USDA Community Facilities Loan and Grant Program is often used for construction of essential health, government, and public-safety facilities. But it can also be used for equipment, such as fire trucks, community gardens, and greenhouses. A recent USDA article shows how such a grant paid for updated equipment that helped a search and rescue team save lives in a heavily used recreational area.
Agency Provides Free Technical Assistance to Tribes
Tribes and tribal communities interested in obtaining funding from the USDA Community Facilities Program to address economic problems have access to free technical assistance from the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA). A simple CDFA technical assistance application form is available to help identify the best technical assistance provider for the interested tribe.
Forest Health Treatment Workshops and Webinars
Cal Poly’s Fuels and Vegetation Education Program is offering several field workshops and webinars:
- A free webinar on September 26, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. CAL FIRE’s Vegetation Management Program (VMP): a case study of the UC Hopland Research & Extension Center’s VMP.
- A free webinar on October 9, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Oak Woodland Forest Health and Fire Management.
- A free field workshop on October 30, 9 am. – 4:35 p.m. Lessons Learned about Forest Restoration from the West Mount Shasta Forest Resiliency Project.
More Information and Assistance
Consult with the SNC Funding Team to get advice about specific funding opportunities or general funding development strategies. Contact your SNC Area Representative to set up a meeting with the Funding Team.