Board Tour

September 4, 2024 | 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Shasta Inn
1121 S. Mt. Shasta Blvd.
Mount Shasta, CA 96067

Please join the Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s (SNC) Boardmembers and staff on a field trip reviewing SNC-funded projects and discussing forest resilience, sustainable recreation, and conservation and stewardship of natural and working lands in the Northwest Subregion. The field trip will begin at the main parking lot of the Shasta Inn.

Tour stops will include full sun areas and uneven terrain. It is advised to wear closed-toe walking/hiking shoes, bring a reusable water bottle, and dress appropriately for outdoor conditions.

Note: Members of the public are responsible for their own transportation.


1:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks


  • Angela Avery, Sierra Nevada Conservancy Executive Officer
  • Northwest Subregion Governing Boardmember and Vice Chair, Ed Valenzuela, Siskiyou County Supervisor

1:15 Travel

1:25 Stop 1—Intersection of Regional Goals

Location: Gateway Trailhead, Mount Shasta.


  • Hanne Meyers, Shasta Trinity National Forest
  • John Harch, Mount Shasta Trail Association
  • Justi Hansen, Siskiyou Outdoor Recreation Alliance

1:55 Travel

2:20 Stop 2—South Fork Sacramento Fire Resilience

Location: Castle Lake.


  • Brian Murphy, Shasta Trinity National Forest
  • Eric Knapp, USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station

3:10 Travel

3:40 Stop 3—LuginBuhl Ranch Preserve

Location: 2100 Deetz Road, Mount Shasta, CA.


  • Kathleen Hitt, Siskiyou Land Trust

4:10 Travel

4:30 Adjourn

Adjourn at Shasta Inn in Mount Shasta.

Media & Social Media Notice

We may use imagery from the day’s events to promote our activities on our website and social media, which includes X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube. If you have questions or concerns, please notify SNC staff.