SNC approves $22.5 million to build resilience, boost recreation, and conserve land

Jun 1, 2023 | SNC Updates

river with rocky banks flanked by green trees
Located roughly 10 miles northeast of Nevada City, the South Yuba Wild & Scenic River Recreation Area is a popular destination for both locals and tourists. At its June 1 Board Meeting, the Sierra Nevada Conservancy approved several wildfire recovery and forest resilience grants, including one that will reduce fuels across 570 acres within the South Yuba River watershed. Photography: Jessie Pluim, Bureau of Land Management.

On Thursday, June 1, Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s (SNC) Governing Board approved roughly $22.5 million in new grants for 24 different projects that will help with wildfire recovery and forest resilience, expand recreation opportunities, and conserve strategic land throughout California’s Sierra-Cascade region.

“I’m proud of how the Sierra Nevada Conservancy is partnering with California tribes and local entities, like irrigation and resource conservation districts, land trusts, and conservation organizations, to find nature-based solutions to some of our region’s most pressing concerns,” said Sierra Nevada Conservancy’s Executive Officer Angela Avery. “Together we are advancing shared goals, such as wildfire and climate resilience, conserving special places, and returning ancestral homelands to tribal stewardship, all while expanding outdoor access for all in the Sierra-Cascade.”

The allocation of funds by the SNC Board means local and regional partners will work on projects that advance shared environmental and economic goals in the following counties, listed north to south: Siskiyou, Trinity, Shasta, Lassen, Plumas, Butte, Sierra, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, El Dorado, Mono, Mariposa, Inyo, and Tulare.

Wildfire protection, trails, and return of tribal land in northern Sierra-Cascade

In the northern part of California’s Sierra-Cascade, twelve different projects were awarded grants by SNC’s Board. Recreation awards included three trails projects, two planning efforts in Plumas and Lassen counties, and a third grant to Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship to construct 15 miles of trail in Sierra and Nevada counties.

Six wildfire recovery and forest resilience projects received funding with the largest grant going to the Nevada Irrigation District to reduce fuels and improve forest health near Jackson Meadows Reservoir. The Butte County Fire Safe Council received nearly $1 million to enhance and protect forests and water resources near the town of Magalia that were spared by the 2019 Camp Fire.

Two significant land conservation efforts received funding, including a grant supporting the Greenville Indian Rancheria’s purchase of 54 acres for tribal educational purposes and a $1.4 million grant to the Pacific Forest Trust, Incorporated, to acquire and conserve more than 10,500 acres of forestland in Trinity County.

Fuel reduction, wildfire recovery, and land conservation in central Sierra Nevada

Four projects to help improve forest health and resilience to major disturbances, such as wildfire, were awarded in the central Sierra Nevada region. One of those, a grant to the Camptonville Community Partnership to help build a small-scale biomass plant, will bring jobs to rural Yuba County, while turning excessive dead and dying material into energy. Another grant to American Rivers, will help protect a vital watershed by reducing fuels and implementing prescribed fire across 570 acres in the South Yuba River canyon.

One planning grant for recreation was awarded, along with four conservation grants, including a grant to the 40 Acre Conservation League to conserve 650 acres above the North Fork of the American River and create a culturally relevant, accommodating, and safe, recreational space that is welcoming to people of color.

Southern and eastern Sierra sees boost to recreation, return of tribal land

In the eastern and southern Sierra Nevada region, SNC’s Board awarded three projects that will help conserve and protect land, and boost recreation. The Mono Lake Kutzadika’a Indian Community Cultural Preservation Association received a grant for just over $2 million, and will partner with the Eastern Sierra Land Trust to purchase Tubbe Nobe, a 160-acre private parcel near Lee Vining. This purchase will restore ownership to the tribe and protect cultural and natural resources.

Complete list of awarded projects

  1. Magalia Forest and Wildfire Resilience Project (Butte County) —The $999,636 grant to the Butte County Fire Safe Council would enhance and protect forests and water resources near the town of Magalia.
  2. Mountain Meadows Trail Planning (Lassen County)—The $142,359 to the Mountain Meadows Conservancy would help complete pre-construction planning for the creation of a new 7.3-mile non-motorized, shared-use trail at Mountain Meadows Reservoir.
  3. Almanor Rail Trail Planning (Plumas County)—The Almanor Recreation and Park District would use the $232,491 planning grant to convert a 12-mile former railroad grade to a non-motorized, multi-modal rail trail between Chester and Clear creeks.
  4. American Valley Community Services District Hazardous Fuel Reduction (Plumas County)—Plumas County Fire Safe Council would use $617,825 in grant funds to conduct hazardous fuels removal on 169 acres next to the town of Quincy.
  5. Kótasim Kódo Chenúk\m Bomó: Greenville Rancheria Stewardship Project (Plumas County)—The Greenville Indian Rancheria would use the $399,750 grant to help it acquire a 54-acre parcel that it plans to use for tribal educational purposes.
  6. Bullskin Ridge Fuel Break (Shasta County)—The grant for $608,720 to the Shasta County Fire Safe Council would utilize biomass thinning to create a shaded fuelbreak along Bullskin Ridge in Oak Run.
  7. Lost Sierra Route: EZ Verdi Ridge Segment (Sierra and Nevada counties)—The Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship would utilize $747,445 in grant funds to build a multi-use trail and restore watershed impacts (also in Central region).
  8. Upper Yuba Headwaters Forest Restoration Project (Sierra and Nevada counties)—The $1,274,000 to the Nevada Irrigation District would reduce fire fuels in the Middle Fork Yuba River watershed. (Project also in Central region).
  9. Antelope Creek WUI Forest Health and Fuels Reduction Project (Sierra County)—The Sierra Valley Fire Safe and Watershed Council would use the $452,650 grant to develop a 175-acre fuelbreak to protect communities, including Loyalton, Sierra Brooks, and Sierraville in northeast Sierra County.
  10. Sierra Buttes O’Gara-Currens Parcels 33, 34 Acquisition (Sierra County)—The Sierra County Land Trust would use the $158,100 grant to acquire 40 acres on the Sierra Buttes directly above Sierra City.
  11. Upper Sacramento River Headwaters Forest Conservation Easement Planning Project (Siskiyou County)—The $75,000 by the Siskiyou Land trust would help plan for the development of two conservation easements near the city of Mt. Shasta.
  12. Conserving the Trinity Headwaters Forest for Watershed and Community Benefit (Trinity County)—The grant for $1,487,740 would help The Pacific Forest Trust acquire and conserve 10,600 acres of forestland in Trinity County.
  13. Caldor Fire Restoration Project, Phase One (El Dorado County)—With the $5,250,951 grant for Phase One, the Great Basin Institute would remove and dispose of roadside hazard trees on 450 acres within the Caldor Fire footprint.
  14. Morrissey Conservation Easement Development Project (Mariposa County)—The $57,500 grant would be used by the Sierra Foothill Conservancy to help put together a plan to protect 2,086 acres near the town of Hornitos.
  15. Sarah Priest Fuels Reduction Project (Mariposa County)—The American Indian Council of Mariposa County would use the $862,176 grant to treat overloaded fuels on a 160-acre parcel.
  16. The Stockton Creek Preserve Recreation and Resilience Enhancements Master Plan Project (Mariposa County)—The Sierra Foothill Conservancy would utilize the $438,150 grant to produce a recreation and resilience master plan for the Stockton Creek preserve.
  17. Hoyt-Purdon Fuel Reduction and Prescribed Fire Implementation Project (Nevada County)—American Rivers would use the $2,363,035 grant to reduce fuels on 570 acres within the South Yuba River Canyon, just outside Nevada City and Grass Valley.
  18. Wildflower Ridge Preserve Acquisition Project (Nevada County)—The Bear Yuba Land Trust would use the $735,500 grant to help it acquire a 128-acre property.
  19. Moy Acquisition and Protection Project (Placer County)—Placer Land Trust would use $592,099 in grant funds to purchase fee title to 60 acres north of the town of Auburn.
  20. Tahoe Forest Gateway—The Leidesdorff Project (Placer County)—The 40 Acre Conservation League would use the $750,000 grant to conserve 650 acres above the upper North Fork of the American River.
  21. Camptonville Bio-energy Facility Project (Yuba County)—The $2,000,000 grant to the Camptonville Community Partnership would partially fund the construction of a small-scale biomass power generation facility.
  22. Eastern Sierra Campground Improvements (Inyo and Mono counties)—The grant for $209,588 would help the Mammoth Lakes Trails and Public Access Foundation to plan for major upgrades to nine campgrounds.
  23. Tribal Land Back Purchase to Conserve Cultural and Natural Resources (Mono County)—The Mono Lake Kutzadika’a Indian Community Cultural Preservation Association would utilize the $2,032,048 grant to help purchase a 160-acre private parcel near Lee Vining.
  24. Kennedy Meadows Area Planning Grant (Tulare County)—Friends of the Inyo would utilize the $59,248 grant to help complete NEPA analysis on decommissioning and rehabilitation of the Kennedy Meadows Campground and a trailhead to the Pacific Crest Trail.