The purpose of this Performance Measure (PM) is to measure the amount, in kilowatts, of renewable energy production capacity as a result of a project. This PM is based on the California Energy Commission’s (CEC’s) standards for renewable energy eligibility and includes energy generation capacity from biomass, wind, solar, small hydroelectric and other qualifying sources. This PM is likely to apply to projects leading to the development of biomass utilization to produce energy. Unlike other performance measures, this PM will track the future energy potential of renewable energy installations developed through SNC supported planning and pre-development grants.
Likely Project Categories
This PM would likely be applicable for projects in the following categories:
- Biomass project/facility planning/development
Guidance on Applying this PM to Your Project
The following is a recommended approach to collecting data and reporting on this PM. If your project requires unique steps or considerations, please discuss them with your SNC area representative.
Data Collection
Data for this PM would not be ‘collected’ but rather projected based on the project design parameters.
Report the data collected/calculated above as well as documentation of the proposed facility expected energy production capacity.
Projects should qualify for renewable energy generation capacity under the definitions provided in the most current edition of the California Energy Commission’s Renewables Portfolio Standard Eligibility Guidebook.
Reporting this performance measure will vary with the type of project, but should be minimal since it is a best-estimate projection of expected energy production rather than a measurement/calculation of actual production. No specific technical expertise is needed to report the data.