We issue grants to public agencies, nonprofits, and tribes for efforts that protect Sierra-Cascade watersheds and communities. This includes project development, implementation, and capacity building.
Forest and Watershed Health
No funding available in 2024.
Create and maintain healthy Sierra-Cascade forests and watersheds that are resilient to wildfire, improve downstream water quality and quantity, and securely store carbon.
Community Resilience
No funding available in 2024.
Improve and support long-term environmental, economic, and social resilience of rural communities within the Sierra-Cascade.
Recreation and Outdoor Access
No funding available in 2024.
Support sustainable recreation and tourism planning and infrastructure, and improve outdoor access for historically excluded communities.
Land Conservation and Stewardship
No funding available in 2024.
Preserve Sierra-Cascade natural and working lands, and enhance their resilience to climate change and other stressors.
Funding Resources
Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFFCP)
We provide capacity-building grants to increase forest- and wildfire-resilience project prioritization, development, and implementation.
Other Grants
Our Funding Opportunities Newsletter lists other grants that align with ours, and the California Grants Portal has all funding offered by California state agencies.
Workshops & Consultations
We offer grant writing workshops and funding consultations. Contact your Area Representative to learn more and sign up.
Manage Your Grant
Grantees are required to submit six-month progress reports and a final report using project-specific performance measures to track project outcomes. Grantees must submit a Request for Payment to be reimbursed for project expenses. Contact your Area Representative to obtain these documents.
Have questions or need assistance? We have dedicated Area Representatives for each county in California’s Sierra-Cascade region. They can help you navigate our grant process and discuss funding and partnership opportunities.