Funding Opportunities Newsletter
March & April 2025

Upcoming Grants

Additional Resources

Prescribed Fire Smoke Planning Tool

The SmokePath Explorer has been developed by Sonoma Technology in partnership with CAL FIRE as a new planning tool for prescribed fire. The tool analyzes 20 years’ worth of meteorological variables to generate the probability of smoke impacts from a prescribed fire. It also identifies the population, educational facilities, and healthcare facilities that have the potential to be affected by smoke. Essentially, it was built to help practitioners plan in advance the time window that would be best to burn and whom to contact to warn of potential smoke impacts.

Community Navigator Initiative

The Watershed Research and Training Center and Coalitions and Collaboratives, along with several other national and regional nonprofit organizations, are partnering with the U.S. Forest Service on a Community Navigator Initiative, which supports communities in accessing federal funding opportunities, creating partnerships, and building capacity for wildfire-risk mitigation and climate resilience. Partners provide information and support for tribes/Indigenous communities, rural communities at high risk of wildfire and/or climate extremes, small acreage landowners, and new partners that have not previously worked with the Forest Service. Subscribe to the Community Navigator Initiative’s newsletter to receive monthly updates.

Forest Health Treatment Workshops and Webinars

Cal Poly’s Fuels and Vegetation Education Program offers free field-based workshops and on-line events focusing on Cal VTP (Vegetation Treatment Program), fuels-reduction projects, and prescribed burning, among other subjects. Recordings and materials from previous workshops are available.

Forest Business Alliance Peer Networking

The Forest Business Alliance (FBA) Peer Learning Network connects forest businesses throughout California. With emphasis on peer-based expertise, the network’s goals are to: ​1) Promote community learning and knowledge exchange in the forest-business realm; 2) Share tools, best practices, and lessons from successfully running forest businesses; and 3) Strengthen the organizational, community, and regional business capacity. Peer networking meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at noon.

More Information and Assistance

Consult with the SNC Funding Team to get advice about specific funding opportunities or general funding development strategies. Contact your SNC Area Representative to set up a meeting with the Funding Team.