We are excited to share SNC’s Draft 2024–2029 Strategic Plan. Over the past year, the SNC has been taking stock of the past five years and gathering input from our Board, partners, and the public. Our goal? To craft a Strategic Plan that will help the SNC best serve the Sierra-Cascade and all of California.
We hope that you’ll read this draft thoroughly and share your thoughts and expertise.
How to comment
Comments are welcome via email or in person at SNC’s March 7 Governing Board meeting in Sacramento. Public comment closes Friday, March 8 at 5 pm.
The most helpful comments will identify the portion of the Draft Strategic Plan you are responding to with clear suggested changes. We also welcome general comments about whether the draft aligns and supports you and your organization’s goals and vision for the Sierra-Cascade region.
Strategic planning process
Following the close of public comment, SNC staff will review comments and revise the Draft Strategic Plan. The SNC anticipates that the Board will consider adoption of a 2024-2029 Strategic Plan at its June 2024 meeting.